About this event

Join us for our series of Lets Talk FREE webinars.

The number of couples choosing to cohabit either before marriage or as an alternative to marriage in England and Wales has increased considerably over recent years.

Despite the increasing popularity, many couples who choose to cohabit are unaware of the possible risks involved and rely on the myth of the ‘common law marriage’ where it is wrongly believed that cohabitees will enjoy the same legal rights as married couples. This is not the case.

Sadly, if the relationship breaks down, disputes around the ownership of the property often arise. In particular, if the property is in one party’s sole name, it can be difficult to prove an interest in the property where that cohabitee is not the legal owner and has not contributed to the mortgage.

This FREE, informal seminar on Wednesday 7th February 7pm hosted by our Family Law team will provide professional and practical advice looking at options you may wish to consider before living together, address some of the myths and misconceptions around ‘common-law’ marriage as well as steps you can put in place to ensure you are legally protected.

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