Part-time judges win dispute over less favourable treatment

Part-time judges have won their claim that they were treated less favourably than their full-time colleagues. The case involved judges employed by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) in the property chamber of the First Tier Tribunal. They claimed they were treated less favourably than full-time judges because their fees didn’t fully reflect the time spent

Migrant workers lose appeal over race discrimination

Two migrant workers who were “treated disgracefully” by their employers have lost their claim for race discrimination. However, the courts upheld their claims relating to other grievances. The case involved two workers who were in the UK on migrant domestic worker’s visas obtained for them by their respective employers. Both sets of employers had supplied

Supply company defends its business against former employees

An agricultural supplies company has succeeded in preventing two of its former employees from dealing with its customers for six months after resigning. The case involved two employees who joined the company as trainee agronomists. Their contracts of employment included a six-month notice period. There were also covenants stating that for six months after leaving

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