Secretary resigned after MD said she ‘wouldn’t hire black person’

A secretary who resigned after her managing director said she wouldn’t employ someone because she was black has won her claim of unfair dismissal. Caroline Hobbs worked for Avon Care Homes from November 2015 until she resigned without notice in April 2018. This followed an employment search for a new care home manager in which

NDAs ‘can’t be used to stop harassment or discrimination claims’

The workplace advisory service Acas has issued new guidelines for employers making it clear that they cannot use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to silence employees who want to make claims of sexual harassment or discrimination. Acas Chief Executive Susan Clews said: “”The news has reported on victims coming forward that have alleged appalling abuse by high-profile figures who

Transport for London successfully defends discrimination claim

Transport for London (TFL) has successfully defended a disability discrimination claim that hinged on the interpretation of employment law. The case involved Mr Charles Ishola, who had been employed by TFL for almost eight years. He was disabled, suffering from depression and migraines. The discrimination issue arose after he complained about a fellow-employee’s conduct. An

Property company loses service charge dispute with tenants

A property company has lost its appeal against a tribunal ruling that it had failed to correctly calculate the level of service charges payable by leaseholders. The case involved a mixed commercial and residential development owned by Avon Ground Rents Ltd. The leaseholders were contractually obliged to contribute through a service charge to the cost

Disqualified director ordered to repay £500k to creditors

A wine merchant has been disqualified from running a company for 15 years and ordered to repay £500,000 to his company’s creditors. Kevin William Eagling was a director of Noble Vintners Ltd, which entered creditors’ voluntary liquidation in June 2017 with an estimated deficiency of more than £1.6 million. A liquidator was appointed to wind-up

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