Lecturer sacked for being too loud wins unfair dismissal claim

Individual Employment

A university lecturer was unfairly dismissed after she was accused of being ‘unnaturally loud’. The case involved Dr Annette Plaut, who was an experimental physics lecturer at the university of Exeter until she was fired in 2019. She had been at the university since 1990. Her style involved leading many heated discussions which included expressive

Vet assistant unfairly dismissed over her Covid concerns

Individual Employment

A veterinary assistant was unfairly dismissed after she challenged her employer’s view that the coronavirus pandemic had been ‘hyped up’. The case involved Charlotte Rendina who worked at Royston Veterinary Centre from January to March 2020. She was dismissed by her employer, Dr White, due to her ‘poor performance’. However, the Employment Tribunal heard that

Flexible Working and Indirect Discrimination

The coverage in the press in relation to Alice Thompson’s case against her employer Manors Estate Agents is understandable: any case with a large settlement figure and an easy headline is going to attract attention. However, while it is being portrayed as a huge pay out for simply not allowing an employee to leave work

Employee who was held against his will during interview by female manager and being ridiculed for being intimidated wins sexism case

The Employment Tribunal has ruled that a former employee was subjected to harassment related to his sex and discriminated against on the grounds of sex by his Employer. The case involved Mr Toby King, who worked for Tesco Stores Limited as a Customer Assistant from 18 November 2017 until he was dismissed with effect on

Worker subjected to abuse on WhatsApp awarded £25,000

A woman who stumbled across a workplace WhatsApp group featuring racially abusive remarks about her has been awarded nearly £25,000 for unlawful harassment on the grounds of sex, race and religious belief.  The case involved Mrs Muna Abdi who worked as an operations clerk for Deltec in Hounslow. She was originally from Somalia and moved

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