Pension rights and unmarried couples

There is often confusion between the rights and responsibilities afforded to married couples as opposed to unmarried couples, with many unmarried couples still believing in the myth of the “common law spouse” and the misapprehension that they have the same rights as a spouse. One of the differences between married and unmarried couples is in

Employers pay out more than £83,000 in tribunal penalties

Employers have had to pay out more than £83,000 under the tribunal penalty regime that came into force last year. Firms now face penalties of up to £5,000 for non-payment of tribunal awards under the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act. The regime applies to judgments made on or after 6 April, 2016. The Department

Mothers to be given greater protection against redundancy

The government says it wants to provide mothers and pregnant women with better protection against the threat of redundancy. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is to hold a public consultation on the issue and consider new ways to ensure women are not subjected to discrimination at work. It follows a report by

Legal Services Payment Orders

  What is a Legal Services Payment Order? A Legal Services Payment Order (LSPO) is an order whereby one party is ordered to pay to the other party a sum of money to enable them to obtain legal services. For example, a working husband may be ordered to pay his non-working wife a sum of

Family Mediation

With Family Mediation Week due to take place between 23-27 January 2017, we explain some key points about Family Mediation and how the process works. Family Mediation – What is it? Family Mediation is designed to assist divorcing or separating couples reach an agreement in relation to financial and/or children matters that arise as a

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