Civil Partnerships – What happens when civil partners separate?

What is a civil partnership? In 2004, the Civil Partnership Act came into force allowing same-sex couples to obtain the same rights and responsibilities as married couples, both during their relationship and upon any subsequent separation. Many of these rights and responsibilities relate to property ownership, taxation exemptions and children issues as prior to this time,

Why should I make a will?

This is a common question. Some people may feel that they don’t have very much money to leave to anyone, and others don’t seem to mind where their money goes when they pass away. However, making a will goes beyond simply setting out where your ‘estate’ (your money and other assets) will go when you

Cohabitation Agreements – do I need one?

Cohabitants are couples who live together as if man and wife but outside the confines of a marriage, for example, as boyfriend and girlfriend. In England and Wales, many couples are choosing to live this way and it is a relationship arrangement that is continuing to increase in popularity. Contrary to popular opinion, cohabitants are

Woman subjected to sexual harassment awarded £3.2m

A woman who said she suffered a mental breakdown after being subjected to degrading sexual harassment at work has been awarded £3.2m compensation. Svetlana Lokhova earned £750,000 a year as an equity saleswoman with Sberbank CIB in London. She said that for four years between 2008 and 2012 she was systematically abused by male colleagues

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