Several leading judges and lawyers say businesses could save millions of pounds if they used mediation as a way of settling disputes with employees and other companies.

Research by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) suggests that about 10,000 cases went through mediation last year – an increase of 5.2% on 2014.

Mediation allows disputing parties to settle their disagreements with the help of a trained mediator at a fraction of the cost of going to court. The approach is less confrontational and enables both sides to maintain greater control of the proceedings.

It can also help both sides to maintain a good working relationship after the dispute is resolved.

Lord Justice Briggs told the Solicitors Journal that mediation worked particularly well for small claims up to £10,000 and he expected it to “take centre stage” over the coming years.

At a recent legal forum on mediation, Eileen Carrol QC said: “After all my years litigating, I can’t imagine that it could be worse than spending three, four, five hundred thousands of pounds and being out of control of the dispute.”

Please contact Neil O’Callaghan if you would like more information about mediation and how it can help your business settle disputes quickly and economically.

Disclaimer: General Information Provided Only.

Please note that the contents of this article are intended solely for general information purposes and should not be considered as legal advice.

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