Government to ‘continue with minimum wage despite lobbying’

The government says it will continue with the living wage and the National Minimum Wage despite lobbying from leading trade groups. The announcement follows reports that 16 trade bodies had written to Prime Minister Theresa May asking her to reconsider the policy in the face of a potential economic slowdown following the Brexit vote. A

Journalist sacked over Prince George story wins compensation

A BBC journalist has been awarded more than £50,000 compensation after being unfairly dismissed following his failure to report the birth of Prince George. Chandana Keerthi Bandara worked as a producer providing online news about Sri Lanka. On 23 July 2013, he decided not to publish an article about the prince’s birth and focused instead

Religion and the workplace

In multi-cultural society employers increasingly face problems arising from their employees’ religious beliefs; both relating to the employee’s wish to manifest their belief and arising from conflicts between the employee and others of different beliefs or no belief at all. ACAS publishes guidance for employers suggesting good practice when dealing with such matters as recruitment,

Your digital legacy

As individuals, we are increasingly acquiring digital assets which could form part of our estate following our death; a Paypal balance, an online gaming avatar, music, photos, social media accounts, and copyright in blogs to name but a few examples. Is it necessary to update your will specifically to include these assets and how would

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