Should heterosexual couples be allowed to enter into a civil partnership?

On Friday 29th January 2016, the High Court dismissed a heterosexual couple’s application for judicial review of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 stating that the legislation did not discriminate between heterosexual and homosexual couples. Case information Rebecca Steinfield and her partner of 5 years, Charles Keiden argued that heterosexual couples, like same sex couples, should

Businesses to face ‘major difficulties’ over the coming year

Businesses can expect to face major financial difficulties over the coming year, according to research by the insolvency specialists, Begbies Traynor. The company’s Red Flag Alert, which monitors the financial health of UK companies, found that 268,898 businesses ended the final quarter of 2015 suffering significant financial distress. That was a 17% increase on the

Insolvency decision is a ‘£480m bonanza for rogue directors’

The government decision to end the special arrangement that helped to fund insolvency litigation has met with widespread criticism from business and legal professionals. The trade body R3 said it would amount to a “half-billion-pound pay day for rogue directors”. The controversy arose when the government confirmed that from April this year, insolvency litigation will

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