2020 Workforce Planning – Whitepaper

Alongside Working The Future we have written this discussion paper on Workforce Planning in the wake of Covid 19. It is our view that the effects of Covid-19 pose both challenges and opportunities for businesses but whatever your view, we should all accept that the wider economic landscape has changed irreversibly as a result. Because the nature of


The National Domestic Abuse Helpline has reported a rise of 25% in calls since the COVID-19 lockdown. The charity Refuge has stated that isolation appears to aggravate pre-existing aggressive behaviour. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, what are your options? What is domestic abuse/violence? Domestic abuse does not just include violent physical behaviour.

Football club’s ticket sales breached minimum wage rules

Deductions made by Middlesbrough Football Club from its employees’ wages to pay for season tickets breached minimum wage regulations. That was the decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal, which said the arrangement was for the club’s own use and benefit, within the National Minimum Wage Regulations 2015. The tribunal heard that employees’ rates of pay

Woman unfairly dismissed due to pregnancy related illness

The Employment Tribunal has ruled that a woman was discriminated against when she was dismissed after missing work with a pregnancy related illness. The case involved Maya Georgiev, who worked as a debt drafter for Hanover Insolvency for three months between July and October 2018. On 29 August, Georgiev needed to leave work early as

Employee told to ‘resign or be dismissed’ receives £13,000

A cleaning company has been ordered to pay a former employee almost £13,000 in compensation after a tribunal ruled she had been unfairly dismissed. Mrs Sparks began working for DB Cleaners as an administrator in 2012. Three years later the company was bought out by a larger firm who installed their own managers to oversee

COVID – 19 Webinar – Ask the Professionals

On Monday 6th April at 9 am, we launch our first Aylesbury Corporate Network webinar in collaboration with Hains Watts, HR Inspire and Handelsbanken. We will be discussing Covid-19 and providing guidance on a variety of topics including the Job Retention scheme (aka furlough) and the self-employed corona virus scheme. We have experts covering banking,

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