The computer software company McAfee has been granted an interim injunction requiring a retailer to continue to promote its product.

A contract between McAfee and DSG Retail stated that the retailer would promote only the computer company’s security software in its stores unless it was incompatible with a device, in which case an alternative option would be acceptable.

McAfee discovered that DSG had stopped promoting its products and took legal action for breach of contract.

DSG said that the security software was only compatible with Microsoft’s Windows 10S on some laptops and not on PCs or tablets.

McAfee argued that the retailer was not entitled to stop promoting its products just because it was not compatible with all products.

It sought an injunction to require DSG to only promote its security software in its stores. It said it would suffer significant damages if an injunction was not granted.

The court ruled on the balance of convenience, it was appropriate to grant an interim injunction.

The case would require input from Microsoft with regards to whether it approved of McAfee’s security software.

The court required both parties to request an answer from Microsoft, which could provide a solution before the case went to trial.

Please contact Sing Li if you would like more information about contract law and protecting your business.



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